PYO at Perform in Perth

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The final class of the evening was for Orchestras (non school). Perth Youth Orchestra, founded in 1962, draws players from across all ten of Perth and Kinross’ schools and beyond and, as the largest group, they are traditionally the last to perform. Conducted by Mr Allan Young, Perth and Kinross’ Coordinator of Instrumental Music, the musicians played ‘Lord of the Rings’ by Howard Shore and ‘Fiddle Faddle’ by Leroy Anderson.

Their playing was met with superlatives from the adjudicators.

Andrew Sherwood praised the infrastructure behind the orchestra, adding, “you are doing a fantastic job – Perth be proud of yourself! This orchestra is something really special – you should realise how good you are and you must keep it.” He had praise too for the orchestra’s leader, Niamh Clark – “you are an inspirational leader.” 

“The last time I saw an orchestra this big was when I was at a festival in China. Be aware there are large youth orchestras in other parts of the world but there are not many orchestra’s like this in Britain. You are not only standing up for Perth you are standing up for the whole country.”

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